The Evolution Continues...
A friendly and inspiring 70 years old gentleman commisioned me to build him a double guitar as he always came to my regular gig at the Cathedral Cafe in 2018. He's agreed for me to make a better design for him based on my experience with my personal guitar. I only use 2 neck pickup for the guitar to reduced the total weight of the guitar, anyway the neck pickup is the sound I love for Jazz, it's warm and sweet. I also didn't install MIDI and acoustic piezo saddle in it as I did in mine which I then realised I didn't really make use of them.
I also added some hole on the other side of the body for aesthetic reason as well as to reduce the guitar mass.
Body : mahogany with natural veneer top
Neck through : mahogany, maple, mahogany
Fingerboard : Makassar ebony
Tuning machine : Gotoh
Pickup : Suhr SSV (Neck)